The NNFRF Office shall be a clearinghouse that will, at a minimum, educate the public on NNFRF matters; coordinates, facilitates and implements NNFRF responsibilities assigned to OPVP or the Executive Branch; ensure expeditious review of NNFRF eligibility determinations and other NNFRF matters by Executive Branch programs and offices; ensure Navajo Nation compliance with Fiscal Recovery Funds provisions of ARPA and Navajo Nation laws and regulations by all entities receiving NNFRF funds; facilitates and expedites the expenditure of all NNFRF funds; ensures the completion and implementation of NNFRF authorized projects and services; and assists/supports Office of the Controller in monitoring the expenditure of NNFRF funds and submitting timely and accurate ARPA reports to the federal government.
Source: Navajo Nation Council Resolution CJY-41-21